Methodist Corner: The Holiness Manifesto

Methodist Corner

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Monday, March 27, 2006

The Holiness Manifesto

An article in Christianity Today highlights "The Holiness Manifesto". Could this be a blueprint for churches today?
"In February, the top leaders of ten historic Holiness denominations released a theological manifesto to rearticulate their key doctrines for today."
Could it be that a return to the teaching of "holiness of heart and life" espoused by our founder, John Wesley, is just what we need to turn around the seemingly unstoppable exodus of members from our mainline churches?

Considering this recent quote from an article by the United Methodist News Service, it is obvious that we are in desperate need of change.

"There is one number in our denomination which keeps going up,' Coyner said. 'It is the percentage of churches that did not receive even one person as a new member by profession of faith, a number that is now up to 43 percent.

'If there is any number in our denomination that is steadily growing, that is it, and it is causing all kinds of other numbers to decline, including our ability to stand before God and say we are doing a good job in making disciples.' "


U.S. Churches Face Crisis, Discipleship Leaders Say - UMNS
The Holiness Manifesto - Christianity Today Magazine

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things:

As far as I can see, only one person from the UMC signed the document.


The document really doesn't say much anyone can take ACTION on. IMHO, it's too much wishful & hopeful, flowery & vague and not enough battle plan.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I came across your blog today while I was searching the blogosphere for others out there commenting on the WHSP's Holiness Manifesto.

Feel free to stop by my blog ( to see what I said about it today. We come from sister denominations.

Basically, I say and believe that this is sorely lacking in the church today. And it is far too important to leave to the pastors and the theologians! We as "Paul and Irene Pewsitter" laymen need to be keenly focused on and seeking after Holiness.

I for one am going to stay tuned to what is going on in this dialog. I believe there is much that you and I can take action on.


8:04 PM  

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